Unit 1: Introduction; principles of effective writing(学术写作)

Unit 1 - Writing in the sciences

An optional description of the image for screen readers. Credit by Coursera

这是一门来自埃米编辑 (AiMi Editor)的《SCI 论文写作视频课程》的详细学习笔记。该公开课程的原英文名称是《Writing in the sciences》 on Coursera,共六个单元,由来自斯坦福大学 (Stanford University) 的 Dr. Kristin Sainani 老师主讲。

About the course:

This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, peer review, grant writing, ethical issues in scientific publication, and writing for general audiences.

1.1 Introduction


What makes good writing?


  1. Good writing communicates an idea clearly and effectively.



Takes having something to say and clear thinking.



  1. Good writing is elegant and stylish.



Takes time, revision, and a good editor!



What makes a good writer?



  • Inborn talent?需要天生的天赋?
  • Years of English and humanities classes? 需要花好几年的时间在英语和人文学科上?
  • An artistic nature? 需要某种艺术性?
  • The influence of alcohol and drugs? 需要收到酒精和毒品的影响?
  • Divine inspiration? 需要某种神圣的灵感?

事实上,Sainani 老师讲以下要素才是一个好作家所需要的:

  • Having something to say. (你需要说些什么)


  • Logical thinking. (清晰逻辑的思考)



  • A few simple, learnable rules of style (the tools you’ll learn in this class)


Sainani 老师尤为强调的是:

Good writing is a skill. Good writing can be learned!


Steps to becoming a better writer

In addition to taking this class, other things you can do to become a better writer:

  • Read, pay attention, and imitate.


    阅读是学习成为一个更好的作家的好办法。多阅读专业优秀的作品,如杂志和非小说类书籍,不一定是科学文献。 注意专业作家的写作方式和使用的一些技巧,并尝试模仿它们。总之,就是在科学文献之外尽可能多地阅读。

  • Write in a journal.



    我计划在 Medium 上开博写日记!

  • Let go of “academic” writing habits (deprogramming step!)


  • Talk about your research before trying to write about it.



  • Write to engage your readers —— try not to bore them!



  • Stop warting for “inspiration”.



  • Accept that writing is hard for everyone.



  • Revise. Nobody gets it perfect on the first try.



  • Learn how to cut ruthlessly. Never become too attached to your words.



  • Find a good editor!



  • Take risks.



1.2 Examples of what not to do


Case 1

This was the first sentence of an article in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (Introduction section):

“Adoptive cell transfer (ACT) immunotherapy is based on the ex vivo selection of tumor-reactive Iymphocytes, and their activation and numerical expression before reinfusion to the autologous tumor-bearing host.”


  • Ask Yourself:

    • Is this sentence easy to understand?


    • Is this sentence enjoyable and interesting to read?




Verbs drives sentences whereas nouns slow them down.


Case 2

“These findings imply that the rates of ascorbate radical production and its recycling via dehydroascorbate reductatse to replenish the ascorbate pool are equivalent at the lower irradiance, but not equivalent at higher irradiance with the rate of ascorbate radical production exceeding its recycling back to ascorbate.” (from Photochemistry and Photobiology…)

  • Ask Yourself:

    • Is this sentence readable?


    • Is it written to inform or to obscure?



“These findings imply that, at low irradiation, ascorbate radicals are produced and recycled at the same rate, but at high irradiation, they are produced faster than they can be recycled back to ascorbate.”


Themes of this course

  • Complex ideas don’t require complex language.


  • Scientific writing should be easy and even enjoyable to read!


Sainani 老师进一步价值观输出:

“My professor friend told me that in his academic world, ‘publish or perish’ is really true. He doesn’t care if nobody reads it or understands it as long as it’s published.”

From: Anne Ku. “The joys and pains of writing and editing,” Le Bon Journal, 2003



1.3 Overview: Key principles of effective writing

One more example!

Dysregulation of physiologic microRNA (miR) activity has been shown to play an important role in tumor initiation and progression, including gliomagenesis. Therefore, molecular species that can regulate miR activity on their target RNAs without affecting the expression of relevant mature miRs may play equally relevant roles in cancer.

From an article in Cell.


Dysregulation of physiologic microRNA (miR) activity has been shown to play an important role in tumor initiation and progression, including gliomagenesis. Therefore, molecular species that can regulate miR activity on their target RNAs without affecting the expression of relevant mature miRs may play equally relevant roles in cancer.

  • Note the use of nouns instead of verbs .


Verbs move sentences along, whereas nouns slow the reader down.


  • Note the use of vague words.


  • Note the use of unnecessary jargon and acronyms.


  • Note the passive voice.


  • Note the distance between the subject and the main verb of this sentence.

    Dysregulation of physiologic microRNA (miR) activity has been shown to play an important role in tumor initiation and progression, including gliomagenesis. Therefore, molecular species that can regulate miR activity on their target RNAs without affecting the expression of relevant mature miRs may play equally relevant roles in cancer.


下面,我们来看一下 Sainani 老师是如何改写这个段落的(未必完全 recover 作者的意图):

Changes in microRNA expression play a role in cancer, including glioma. Therefore, events that disrupt microRNAs from binding to their target RNAs may also promote cancer.


Principles of effective writing

  1. Cut unnecessary words and phrases; learn to part with your words!


  2. Use the active voice (subject + verb + object)


  3. Write with verbs: use strong verbs, avoid turning verbs into nouns, and don’t bury the main verb!


1.4 Cut the clutter


这一讲,我们将了解到如何从写作中去除杂乱。Sainani 老师引用了下面来自威廉·津瑟的古典写作书籍《好好写》:

“The secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components. Every word that serves no function, every long word that could be a short word, every adverb that carries the same meaning that’s already in the verb, every passive construction that leaves the reader unsure of who is doing what —— these are the thousand and one adulterants that weaken the strength of a sentence. And they usually occur in proportion to the education and rank.”

—— William zinsser in On Writing Well, 1976


——威廉·津瑟 《好好写》,1976


Example 1

“This paper provides a review of the basic tenets of cancer biology study design, using as examples studies that illustrate the methodologic challenges or that demonstrate successful solutions to the difficulties inherent in biological research.”

这一部分 Sainani 老师讲的超级细,我来一点一点的解释:

  • This paper provides a review of : review 是一个有趣的动词,但是当无聊的名词用了,还要配上无聊的动词 provides。直接写:The paper reviews 多好?
  • of the basic tenets of:这是个含糊不清的词组。它不会给读者增加任何东西,也并不能帮助读者理解这里发生了什么。所以果断删掉。
  • using as examples studies that illustrate :“举例说明”,这句话说的好尴尬😓。examples 的含义和 studies 是一模一样的,二者重复了。所以放弃 studies,改写为:using examples that illustrate
  • methodologic challengesmethodologic “方法论上讲” 这个又是模棱两可的词。这太宽泛,对读者来说毫无意义。前文已经说了我们在讨论研究设计,所以"方法论"是隐含的。所以直接删掉 methodologic
  • demonstrateillustrate 的含义是相同的。作者可能是为了避免重复而特意取了一个同义词在这里,但是没有必要的,因为在这里是不需要这个词的第二个实例的。在这里的情况下,illustrate 这个词可以延续到 challengessolutions 的。所以可以写成:illustrate both challenges and solutions
  • successful 这个词被删掉了,这是因为不存在不成功的 solution啦,这个词含义已经在 solution 里了。
  • to the difficulties inherent in biological research:这里还是重复了,因为上文已经说了 challenges 那么自然就是 difficulties 了。这里可能是作者又自己 YY 出来的一个避免重复的同义词在作祟。同时,inherent in biological research 这部分其实是不必要的,并不会增加任何实质信息和内容,因为前文我们知道一直都是在讨论生物学研究。所以,这句整个都删掉好了。


This paper reviews cancer biology study design, using examples that illustrate specific challenges and solutions.

Example 2

“As it is well known, increased athletic activity has been related to a profile of lower cardiovascular risk, lower blood pressure levels, and improved muscular and cardio-respiratory performance.”

这一部分 Sainani 老师讲的超级细,我来一点一点的解释:

  • As it is well known,:开头这句是一个你根本不需要的引言,这只是作者在一句话的开头清了清嗓子。如果你想表明某件事是众所周知的,只需要放上引文,在句尾加上参考文献。所以,果断删掉。
  • has been related to:这部分在风格上,Sainani 老师更喜欢说 is associated with
  • a profile of 是一个模棱两可的词组,不添加任何信息,也不会失去任何东西。所以,果断删掉。
  • lower cardiovascular risk, lower blood pressure levelslevels 这个词是没必要的,因为已经说了 lower blood pressure。所以,果断删掉。
  • improved muscular and cardio-respiratory performance:“改善肌肉和心肺功能”,这是一个 fitness 的花哨说法。所以换成 fitness


Increased athletic activity is associated with lower cardiovascular risk, lower blood pressure, and improved fitness.


Increased athletic activity lowers cardiovascular risk and blood pressure, and improves fitness. (stronger level of evidence)

当然,上面这句是需要更强的证据 evidence 才行的,但是我们基本可以这么自信地说。

Example 3

“The experimental demonstration is the first of its kind and is a proof of principle for the concept of laser driven particle acceleration in a structure loaded vacuum.”

这一部分 Sainani 老师讲的超级细,我来一点一点的解释:

  • The experimental demonstration:这里说的“实验演示”,可以直接说是“实验” experiment。所以,替换为 The experiment
  • is the first of its kind and is a proof of principle:这句话很诡异,有两个 is。这是无聊的动词,我们可以在里面放一个更好的动词。再来就是,first of its kinda proof of principle 是重复的,基本上是同样的事情。所以,可以浓缩为:provides the first proof of principle
  • the concept of:这是个额外的不必要的词。


The experiment provides the first proof of principle of laser-driven particle acceleration in a structure-loaded vacuum.

Cut unnecessary words


  • Be vigilant and ruthless


  • After investing much effort to put words on a page, we often find it hard to part with them.


    But fight their seductive pull…

  • Try the sentence without the extra words and see how it’s better - conveys the same idea with more power


    要知道,你可以随时控制你的 undo 键来控制你删掉不必要字词和信息后的新版本。就要经常尝试性的去掉一些你以为自己喜欢的单词或词组,来体会下没有它总是更好。

Cutting extra words


“Brain injury incidence shows two peak periods in almost all reports: rates are the highest in young people and the elderly.”


“Brain injury incidence peaks in the young and the elderly.”

Common clutter


  1. Dead weight words and phrases (要死不活的一些词组和说法)

    • As it is well known
    • As it has been shown
    • It can be regarded that
    • It should be emphasized that


  2. Empty words and phrases (没啥实意的单词和说法)

    • basic tenets of
    • methodologic
    • important


    “Some words and phrases are blobs.” (有些单词和搭配,简直就是屎。)

    —— William Zinsser in On Writing Well, 1976

  3. Long words or phrases that could be short (可以换作短单词的长单词和短语)

    • muscular and cardio-respiratory performance
  4. Unnecessary jargon and acronyms (不必要的行话和缩写词)

    • muscular and cardiorespiratory performance
    • Gliomagenesis
    • miR


  5. Repetitive words or phrases (重复的单词或说法)

    • studies/examples
    • illustrate/demonstrate
    • challenges/difficulties
    • successful solutions


  6. Adverbs (一些副词)

    • very, really, quite, basically, generally, etc.


    你并不会通过添加了副词,而使你的想法和陈述更有力。 事实上,还会起到反效果。

Long words and phrases that could be short…


Wordy versionCrisp version
A majority ofmost
A number ofmany
Are of the same opinionagree
Less frequently ocurringrare
All three of thethe three
Give rise tocause
Due to the fact thatbecause
Have an effect onaffec

More examples

  • Long words and phrases that could be short…

    The expected prevalence of mental retardation, based on the assumption that intelligence is normally distributed, is about $2.5 %$.

    The expected prevalence of mental retardation, if intelligence is normally distributed, is $2.5 %$.

  • Repetitive words or clauses

    A robust cell-mediated immune response is necessary, and deficiency in this response predisposes an individual towards active TB.

    Deficiency in T-cell-mediated immune response predisposes an individual to active TB.


Sainani 老师继续输出价值观,她引用到:

  • Blaise Pascal on the elegance in brevity:

    “I have only made this letter rather long because I have not had time to make it shorter.” ("Je n’ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parceque je n’ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte.")

    —— Lettres provinciales, 16, Dec.14,1656 (though reference also attributed to St. Augustine, and Cicero….


1.5 Cut the clutter, more tricks

A few other small tricks…

Eliminate negatives

消除 negative 结构的句子


She was not often right.

She was usually wrong.

每当你在写作中遇到 not 时,看看你能不能把这个句子变成 positive。一般来说是总能做到的。当你使用 positive 的结构时,通常会更清楚。


She did not want to perform the experiment incorrectly.

She wanted to perform the experiment correctly.

They did not believe the drug was harmful.

They believed the drug was safe.


Not honestdishonest
Not harmfulsafe
Not importantunimportant
Does not havelacks
Did not rememberforgot
Did not pay attention toignored
Did not succeedfailed

Eliminate superfluous uses of “there are/there is”


There are many ways in which we can arrange the pulleys.

We can arrange the pulleys in many ways.

看上去好像 There are 好像其实很必要的,但还是有更精炼的说法。


There was a long line of bacteria on the plate.

Bacteria lined the plate.

没想到吧,这里的 There was 居然也可以被精简掉!继续上例子:

There are many physicists who like to write.

Many physicists who like to write.

这里的 There are 是可以直接删掉的,完全不违和。类似的例子还有:

The data confirm that there is an association between vegetables and cancer. The data confirm an association between vegetables and cancer.

Omit needless prepositions


For example, “that” and “on” are often superfluous: (通常像 thaton 这样的介词是完全不必要的)

The meeting happened on Monday.

The meeting happened Monday.

They agreed that it was true. They agreed it was true.

1.6 Practice cutting clutter


Anti-inflammatory drugs may be protective for the occurrence of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Anti-inflammatory drugs may protect against Alzheimer’s Disease.

Clinical seizures have been estimated to occur in $0.5 %$ to $2.3 %$ of the neonatal population.

Clinical seizures occur in $0.5 %$ to $2.3 %$ of newborns.

Ultimately $\mathrm{p} 53$ guards not only against malignant transformation but also plays a role in developmental processes as diverse as aging, differentiation, and fertility.

Besides preventing cancer, $\mathrm{p} 53$ also plays roles in aging, differentiation, and fertility.

Injuries to the brain and spinal cord have long been known to bè among the most devastating and expensive of all injuries to treat medically.

Injuries to the brain and spinal cord are among the most devastating and expensive.

An IQ test measures an individual’s abilities to perform functions that usually fall in the domains of verbal communication, reasoning, and performance on tasks that represent motor and spatial capabilities.

An IQ test measures an individual’s verbal, reasoning, or motor and spatial abilities.

As we can see from Figure $2,$ if the return kinetic energy is less than $3.2 \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{p}},$ there will be two electron trajectories associated with this kinetic energy.

Figure 2 shows that a return kinetic energy less than $3.2 \mathrm{U}_{\mathrm{p}}$ yields two electron trajectories.

1.7 Demo Edit 1

