Unit 2: Verbs(学术写作)

Unit 2 - Writing in the sciences

An optional description of the image for screen readers. Credit by Coursera

这是一门来自埃米编辑 (AiMi Editor)的《SCI 论文写作视频课程》的详细学习笔记。该公开课程的原英文名称是《Writing in the sciences》 on Coursera,共六个单元,由来自斯坦福大学 (Stanford University) 的 Dr. Kristin Sainani 老师主讲。

About the course:

This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, peer review, grant writing, ethical issues in scientific publication, and writing for general audiences.



2.1 Use the active voice


What is the active voice?



She throws the ball.

Martha will drive the car.

The president made mistakes.


The ball is thrown by her.

The car will be driven by Matha.

Mistakes were made by the President.

Recognizing a passive verb


  • Passive verb = a form of the verb “to be” + the past participle of the main verb
  • The main verb must be a transitive verb (that is, take an object).


  • “to be” verbs:
    Iscould be
    Areshall be
    Wasshould be
    Werewill be
    Bewould be
    Beenmay be
    Ammight be
    must be
    has been

Example: passive voice

My first visit to Boston will always be remembered by me.

  • My first visit to Boston: Recipient of the action
  • remembered: Verb
  • me: Agent of the action


I will always remember my first visit to Boston.


She is loved.

  • She: The recipient of the love.

  • is: Form of “to be”

  • loved: Past participle of a transitive verb: to love (direct object).

  • Example: passive voice

    Cigarette ads were designed to appeal especially to children.


    We designed the cigarette ads to appeal especially to children.

    • We: Responsible party!

Passive vs. active voice


“Who does what to whom?”



  • Use active voice


    By applying a high resolution, 90 degree bending magnet downstream of the laser electron interaction region, the spectrum of the electron beams could be observed.



    We could observe the spectrum of the electron beams by applying a high resolution, 90 degree bending magnet downstream of the laser electron interaction region.



    Increased promoter occupancy and transcriptional activation of $\mathrm{p} 21$ and other target genes were observed.

    Active: We observed increased promoter occupancy and transcriptional activation of $\mathrm{p} 21$ and other target genes.


    Passive: The activation of Ca++ channels is induced by the depletion of endoplasmic reticulum Ca++ stores.


    Active: Depleting Ca++ from the endoplasmic reticulum activates Ca++ channels.





    Additionally, it was found that pre-treatment with antibiotics increased the number of super-shedders, while immunosuppression did not.


    Pre-treating the mice with antibiotics increased the number of super-shedders while immunosuppresion did not.


Advanteges of the active voice


  1. Emphasizes author responsibility


  2. Improves readability


  3. Reduces ambiguity



  • Emphasizes author responsibility

    No attempt was made to contact nonresponders because they were deemed unimportant to the analysis. (passive)

    We did not attempt to contact nonresponders because we deemed them unimportant to the analysis. (active)


  • Improves readability

    A strong correlation was found between use of the passive voice and other sins of writing. (passive)

    We found a strong correlation between use of the passive voice and other sins of writing. (active)


    Use of the passive voice strongly correlated with other sins of writing. (active)


  • Reduces ambiguity

    General dysfunction of the immune system at the leukocyte level is suggested by both animal and human studies. (passive)



    Both human and animal studies suggest that diabetics have general immune dysfunction at the leukocyte level. (active)


Is it ever OK to use the passive voice?


  • Yes! The passive voice exists in the English language for a reason. Just use it sparingly and purposefully.


    • For example, passive voice may be appropriate in the methods section where what was done is more important than who did it.



  • 总之,Sainani 老师强烈建议:仅方法部分可以用被动语态,但是引言、讨论和总结部分,一定要用主动语态。

2.2 Is it really OK to use “We” and “I”?


Yes, It’s OK!


  1. The active voice is livelier and easier to read.


  2. Avoiding personal pronouns does not make your science more objective.


  3. By agreeing to be an author on the paper, you are taking responsibility for its content. Thus, you should also claim respónsibility for the assertions in the text by using “we” or “I.”


Avoiding personal pronouns does not led objectivity


You/your team designed, conducted, and interpreted the experiments. To imply otherwise is misleading.


The experiments and analysis did not materialize out of thin air!


The goal is to be more objective, not to appear more objective.


Sainani 老师开始持续输出价值观:

“After all, human agents are responsible for designing experiments, and they are present in the laboratory; writing awkward phrases to avoid admitting their responsibility and their presence is an odd way of being objective.”

Jane J. Robinson, Science 7 June 1957: 1160 .


Journals want this!

The style guidelines for many journals explicitly instruct authors to write in the active voice.


For example, Science magazine advises:

“Use active voice when suitable, particularly when necessary for correct syntax (e.g., “To address this possibility, we constructed a $\lambda$Zap library …).”

在适当的时候, 特别是必要的时候,请在正确的语法下使用主动语态。


Great authors use “we” and “I”!

Watson and Crick’s celebrated 1953 paper in Nature begins:

We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A.).”



2.3 Active voice practice


A recommendation was made by the DSMB committee that the study be halted.


The DSMB committee recommended that the study be halted.


Major differences in the reaction times of the two study subjects were found.


We observed major differences in the reaction times of the two study subjects.

The two study subjects differed in reaction times.


It was concluded by the editors that the data had been falsified by the authors.


The editors concluded that the authors falsified their data.


The first visible-light snapshot of a planet circling another star has been taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope.


NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has taken the first visible-light snapshot of a planet circling another star.


Therefore, the hypothesis that the overall kinetics of a double transtibial amputee athlete and ana able-bodied sprinter at the same level of performance are not differnet was rejected.

Therefore, we rejected the hypothesis that the overall kinetics of a double transtibial amputee athlete and an able-bodied sprinter at the same level of performance are comparable.

2.4 Write with verbs


  • use strong verbs


  • avoid turning verbs into nouns


  • don’t bury the main verb



Use strong verbs

Verbs make sentences go!



“Loud music came from speakers embedded in the walls, and the entire arena moved as the hungry crowd got to its feet.”




“Loud music exploded from speakers embedded in the walls, and the entire arena shook as the hungry crowd leaped to its feet.”

Bringing Down the House, Ben Mezrich


  • Pick the right verb!



    The WHO reports that approximately two-thirds of the world’s diabetics are found in developing countries, and estimates that the number of diabetics in these countries will double in the next 25 year.

    世卫组织报告说大约三分之二世界上的糖尿病患者在有发展中国家被发现,并且估计这些国家的糖尿病患者人数将在未来 25 年翻一番。

    上面句子还挺不错的,两个动词用的中规中矩,其中report 这个词后面还有个副词 approximately,这也是应该避免的。下面可以改得更好:

    The WHO estimates that two-thirds of the world’s diabetics are found in developing countries, and projects that the number of diabetics in these countries will double in the next 25 years.

    project 这个词既可以避免上一个动词的重复,也可以很好的描绘对未来的估计。

    Sainani 老师建议可以使用同义词库来帮助你找到可以替换的动词。

  • Use “to be” verbs purposefully and sparingly.

    Is, are, was, were, be, been ,am …


Don’t turn verbs into nouns

  • Don’t kill verbs by turning them into nouns.



During DNA damage, recognition of H3K4me3 by ING2 results in recruitment of Sin3/HDAC and repression of cell proliferation genes.


During DNA damage, H3K4me3 recruits ING2 and sin3/HDAC, which together repress cell proliferation .


Say exactly who does what to whom!


Obtain estimates of $\rightarrow$ estimate

Has seen an expansion in $\rightarrow$ has expanded

Provides a methodologic emphasis $\rightarrow$ emphasizes methodology

Take an assessment of $\rightarrow$ assess

Privede a review of $\rightarrow$ review

Offer confirmation of $\rightarrow$ confirm

Make a decision $\rightarrow$ decide

Shows a peak $\rightarrow$ peaks

Provides a description of $\rightarrow$ describe

Don’t bury the main verb


Keep the subject and main verb (predicate) close together at the start of the sentence…


  • Readers are waiting for the verb!


The case of the buried predicate…. 来个糟糕的例子体会下:

One study of 930 adults with multiple sclerosis (MS) receiving care in one of two managed care settings or in a fee-for-service setting found that only two-thirds of those needing to contact a neurologist for an MSrelated problem in the prior 6 months had done so (Vickrey et al 1999).


One study found that, of 930 adults with multiple sclerosis (MS) who were receiving care in one of two managed care settings or in a fee-for-service setting, only two-thirds of those needing to contact a neurologist for an MS-related problem in the prior six months had done so (Vickrey et al 1999).

2.5 Practice examples


The fear expressed by some teachers that students would not learn statistics well if they were permitted to use canned computer programs has not been realized in our experience. A careful monitoring of achievement levels before and after the introduction of computers in the teaching of our course revealed no appreciable change in students’ performances.”

  • 第一个句子中,主语是 fear,主语动词是 as not been realized,还是被动动词。第二个句子中,主语是 monitoring,可以考虑动词化它为 to monitor,主语动词是无聊的 revealed
  • 第一个句子中还有两个 not 构成的 negative 结构,听上去很尴尬,应该果断删掉,转换为 positive 结构。
  • 第二个句子中 appreciable 是一个限定词(hedge word),非常模棱两可。

Many teachers feared that the use of canned computer programs would prevent students from learning statistics. We monitored student achievement levels before and after the introduction of computers in our course and found no detriments in performance.


Review of each center’s progress in recruitment is important to ensure that the cost involved in maintaining each center’s participation is worthwhile.”

  • 主语是 Review,可以动词化。有两个 is 这种 to be 结构应该转换为主动结构。
  • 存在一些非常空的和模糊的描述词汇,如 important, worthwhile。要具体点。
  • 还有一些非常笨拙的短语,如 involved in maintaining,很尴尬。

We should review each center’s recruitment progress to make sure its continued participation is cost-effective.


“It should be emphasized that these proportions generally are not the result of significant increases in moderate and severe injuries, but in many instances reflect mildly injured persons not being seen at a hospital.”

  • 首先是所谓“清嗓子” (dead weight) 的短语:It should be emphasized that,删掉。写在文章中的都是强调的。
  • these proportions 这个需要换成更具象的形容词会好一些。shift proportion 这次更好。
  • generally 副词要删掉。
  • 冗长的词:the result ofin many instances 换成 due tooften
  • 有两个 not,要改用 positive 结构。
  • being seen 这个尴尬的 to be 结构也要改。

Shifting proportions in injury severity may reflect stricter hospital admission criteria rather than true increases in moderate and severe injuries.


Important studies to examine the descriptive epidemiology of autism, including the prevalence and changes in the characteristics of the population over time, have begun.

  • 首先,主语和谓语动词之间的距离太远了。主语是 studies 而句末 begun 才出现。
  • 要主要含糊不清的字眼。比如说 important
  • 多余的描述:over time,因为不能进行不随时间变化的更改。
  • 最后,of the population 这种说法是相当模糊的,直接删掉。

Studies have begun to describe the epidemiology of autism, including recent changes in the disorder’s prevalence and characteristics.


There are multiple other mechanisms that are important, but most of them are suspected to only have a small impact or are only important because of impact on one of the three primary mechanisms.

  • 首先 There are 应该删掉;important 也要换掉;are suspected to 这又是一个限定词,而且它还是被动语态。impact 名词可以换作动词。

Multiple other mechanisms play only a small role or work by impacting one of the three primary mechanisms.


After rejecting paths with poor signal-tonoise ratios, we were left with 678 velocity measurements of waves with 7.5 seconds period and 891 measurements of 15 second waves.

Rejecting paths with poor signal-to-noise ratios left 678 velocity measurements of 7.5-second waves and 891 of 15-second waves.

It is suspected that the importance of temperature has more to do with impacting rates of other reactions than being a mechanism of disinfection itself since ponds are rarely hot enough for temperature alone to cause disinfection.

Ponds are rarely hot enough for temperature alone to cause disinfection; thus, the effect of temperature is likely mediated through its impact on the rates of other reactions.

It was assumed that due to reduced work at the joints of the lower limbs and less energy loss in the prosthetic leg, running with the dedicated prostheses allows for maximum sprinting at lower metabolic costs than in the healthy ankle joint complex.


The prosthetic leg reduces work and energy loss compared with a healthy ankle joint, which may lead to lower metabolic costs during maximum sprinting.

2.6 A few grammar tips

“Data are” not “Data is” …

The word “data” is plural.

Data 这个词要当做复数哦。猪油在讨论一个数据点时才使用单数形式。


These data show an unusual trend.

The data support the conclusion.

The data are critical.

(v. datum, singular form)

Affect vs. effect

  • Affect is the verb “to influence”

    The class affected her.

    • As a noun, affect denotes feeling or emotion shown by facial expression or body language, as in “The soldiers seen on television had been carefully chosen for blandness of affect” (Norman Mailer).
  • Effect is the noun form of this influence

    The class had an effect on her.

    • As a verb, effect means to bring about or to cause, as in “to effect a change”


但也有一些非常少见的例外,比如说在心理学里 affect 是指一种感觉,一种情绪或一种表达。effect 的动词形式,非常特殊的情况下使用,比如 someone effected a change,表示某人带来了改变。


  • Compare to = to point out similarities between different things
  • Compare with ** (used more often in science) $=$ to point out differences between similar things


“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” Brain tumors are relatively rare compared with more common cancers, such as those of the lung, breast, and prostate.

实际上 compared to 和 compared with 是不同的。前者是你想要指出不同事物之间的相似性,常有隐喻的含义。后者在科学文献中才是非常常用的。

That vs. which

  • “That” is the restrictive (defining) pronoun

  • “Which” is the nonrestrictive (non-defining) pronoun

That 一般用在当你有限制性的或者基本的从句时,which 是在非限制性或者非必要性从句时候适用。用逗号就可以简单区分。

What’s the difference between these two?

The vial that contained her RNA was lost.

The vial, which contained her RNA, was lost.

上面的第一句是在暗示有很多 vial,丢了的 vial 就是含有她的 RNA。第二句是只有一瓶大家都知道的 vial 丢了,含有着她的 RNA,删掉逗号之间部分内容不影响全句。


Other disorders which have been found to co-occur with diabetes include heart disease and foot problems.

上面的 which 要换掉!

  • Key question: Is your clause essential or nonessential?


    • THAT: The essential clause cannot be eliminated without changing the meaning of the sentence.
    • WHICH: The non-essential clause can be eliminated without altering the basic meaning of the sentence (and must be set off by commas).


The bike that is broken is in the garage. (Identifies which bike of many.)

The bike, which is broken, is in the garage. (Adds a fact about the only bike in question).

“Careful writers, watchful for small conveniences, go which-hunting, remove the defining whiches, and by doing so improve their work.”

——Strunk and White

From physicist Richard Feynman:

“When we say we are a pile of atoms, we do not mean we are merely a pile of atoms because a pile of atoms which is not repeated from one to the other might well have the possibilities which you see before you in the mirror.”

应该把上面的 which 换成 that。

Stroke incidence data are obtained from sources, which use the ICD (International code of Diseases) classification systems.

上面的 which 应该去掉逗号,用 that

Sigular antecedents

Do not use “they” or “their” when the subject is singular. To avoid gender choice, turn to a plura!!

当句子的主语是单数时,不要用 they 或 their。也要避免性别选择。

Each student worries about their grade. (Wrong)

Each student worries about her grade. (Not good)


All students worry about their grades.

2.7 Demo Edit 2


