
东北大学引力波宇宙学与射电天文学研究中心青年学者研讨会 - 特邀报告

Machine Learning in Gravitational Wave Data Analysis


Deep neural networks & Gravitational-wave signal recognization

Exploring Gravitational-Wave Detection & Parameter Inference using Deep Learning

Ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks for real-time gravitational wave signal recognition

With the rapid development of deep learning technology, more and more researchers apply it to gravitational wave (GW) data analysis. Previous studies focused on a single deep learning model. In this paper we design an ensemble algorithm combining a …

Exploring Gravitational-Wave Detection and Parameter Inference using Deep Learning

Exploring Gravitational-Wave Detection and Parameter Inference using Deep Learning

Gravitational-wave Signal Recognition of LIGO Data by Deep Learning

Gravitational-wave Signal Recognition of LIGO Data by Deep Learning

Gravitational-wave Signal Recognition of LIGO Data by Deep Learning