Teaching is Learning

Writing is Thinking

Physics | Gravitational Waves | Machine Learning

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I'm a PhD candidate majoring in theoretical physics. I love to share knowledge and have a keen passion for scientific research on data analysis of gravitational-wave (GW) detection and deep learning (DL) technologies.

Most of blog posts and notes here are written in Chinese and with updates for completion. I wish I could, after some years of study and research, accumulate a sufficient body of knowledge and achieve a view of my own. Thus, as S. Chandrasekhar noted that "I have the urge to present my point of view ab initio, in a coherent account with order, form, and structure."

"My scientific work has followed a certain pattern motivated, principally, by a quest after perspectives"
"我的科学研究工作遵循了某种样式,它的动因主要是寻找观点。" —— S. Chandrasekhar
—— 苏布拉马尼扬·钱德拉塞卡

This site is currently under construction and I will make updates weekly and look forward to resuming blog posts in the fall.

How to comment

With use of the hypothes.is extension (right-sided), you can highlight, annote any comments and discuss these notes inline at any pages.

Please Feel Free to Let Me Know and Share it Here.

Essays & Notes

My academic essays and deep learning study notes.

“Men Learn While They Teach.” —— Seneca.

Data Analysis in Gravitational Wave Detection

Research essays and codes.

Data Science Courses

Course notes and related materials.


Reviews or learning notes with annotations.

Paper Summary & A Paper A Day

Please note that the posts in it are for my future self to review the materials on these papers without reading them all over again. (Inspired by Jae Duk Seo and also refering to Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap / Awesome - Most Cited Deep Learning Papers / awesome-deeplearning-resources / deeplearning-papernotes / deep-learning-papers-translation / deep-learning-ocean / 微博@爱可可-爱生活)

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